Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Caveat Lector

As I start,

In the pages that will succeed this, I will post all the little trappings and smiles I had encountered in the endeavors that I had undertaken.

It may include the recent places I had been given the chance to visit and the journey involved. Its preparation, excitement, disappointments, and lessons learned will be the content of most of my posts.  Surely, as I had learned in the past, it is not the destination that matters most, but the journey, people, and conversations along the way.

This, as well, will contain the details of the gastronomical journey I had started, since I set foot here in the Metro and into the nearby surrounding outskirts. It will not be limited within the metropolis, but it may extend as far as I can reach. As best as I can, I will try to share the experience as surreal as possible.  If I can let you smell its sweet aroma and nasty stingy odor, I will. If I can let you almost taste how delectable and disgusting it is, I will. Feel every morsel, every drop, every sip, I will. But, this is to the best of my capability.

Chances are, I may be able to share here the lines I've heard, remembered, compiled, and noted from films I've seen, novels I've read, and whatever form of literature I had cherished. Yes, songs, its lyrics, that touched me which may seem relevant sharing, or not at all.

Prose and Poetry, if given the time, I may share too.

But most of all, I have a limited expertise in grammar that may suit the eloquent and strict observers of the languages or dialect that I will use. Pardon me. I will strive to share my thoughts as K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) as possible.

I wish I can relay it with the same emotion I've felt and wished to convey, from the moment I started composing a post.

However, since time is of the essence, Drafts will mostly flood this page. I will adopt the technique of just write, write, write, and never to let an idea or experience scape. Refinement will come next. As long as I can convey it the soonest time possible, excuse the rawness of my entries. I will openly accept corrections and suggestions to improve the entries.

As of now, I chose to happen to you in the moments I've encountered.

Ay Ta, Iyo na Ini! 

Because, I chose to have a break, away from the cursor blinking on my Linux sandbox terminal when I can, and away from the boob-tube which really drains my energy more recently. I will go outdoors: commute, pitch my tent, watch the sunset, wait for the sunrise, communicate, and enjoy life outdoors until I can. Conquer possible summits, cross rivers, climb walls, watch stars, and inhale the sea breeze in every possible shorelines I can reach within my means. I'll start in Luzon, then Visayas, then Mindanao, and, eventually, the whole world.

I will choose to taste every possible "ramen" and noodles within my budget; if cost is beyond, I will look for ways to taste it still. Or, storm that food cart at every street corner where everyone seems to enjoy the fill they get. If they eat it, I will too. If they drink it, I will too. If lucky, I'll find myself inside a buffet eat-all-you-can resto, trying every dish I can.

If I can, I will dance on the streets in every festival and celebrations I caught myself in. Or, I will capture them in stills. I will be merrymaking with the locals and immerse in their worlds.

With any available gadget or media that can capture the moment, I will capture it. Proof of Life for some, but a simple memento for me.

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